Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Websites .-

Hello everyone!
Today I’m going to talk about internet and websites.
First, I’m not a fan of internet really, I prefer do others thing, but anyway I need it and I use it. 

Every day I check my e-mail and the e-mail from my course and my facebook, actually I see these sites more than once a day. Often, I read news from some alternative websites like http://www.elciudadano.cl/ and http://www.elmostrador.cl/ , but I also review the “official” newspapers on the net, especially to see news about my soccer team, for this purpose I visit websites like www.terra.cl or www.prensafutbol.cl , for more information I check forum, where everyone talks about they want related with the team. 

But the website that I really enjoy is www.charlatecnica.cl this is a blog about soccer, this website is made by normal people, are not necessarily journalists. I like it because the website contains info but they write with humor, the writers are very sarcastic but in a good way, also they people can comment in every post. The post are almost always related with soccer and they do a post for every match of the Chilean championship.  Unfortunately, since I enter to the University I don’t have much time to see this page.

Also of these websites, when I spend my time in the computer I try to surf in the internet searching new things, I try to read a lot and I dowload many movies of the web. I cannot deny that internet is very useful and practical to find what you want.


  1. I think everyone have to check the personal and the course's email, and facebook everyday! and more that twice....
    That blog is a good website for people who like football I think

  2. how can you download the movies? I do not know how... I´m not internet´s fan but is useful :)

  3. It's so true your last phrase: "Internet is very useful and practical to find what you want." What else can I say?

  4. You really like football, don't you? I think that's great, but I prefer basketball. Anyway, sports are a good way to keep healthy and spent a good time, so I agree with you :)

  5. I have also a particular interest in news about football and I usually visit the website prensafutbol.cl
    I love sports!

  6. I really like the sports All are so fun!!! I good and enjoy basket , volleiball and handball, but others like a swimm I enjoy verymuch.
    And I am not a fan of internet too

  7. You really love football Baru... thats cool, and also because you like the best soccer team of chile, Universidad de Chile!
